Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Day 33 & 34 - Füssen, Germany (fondly remembered as "Feud"sen)

This is the part of the blog where we would normally tell you all the wonderful things we saw and did in Füssen, Germany, however, we decided to misuse our time in this wonderful little city that nearby houses the inspiration for the Disney World Castle (Neuschwanstein) and instead feud about the rest of our travel plans and the wedding planning.  We parted ways to cool off, and while Korey ventured to the castle (pictures below), Ines stayed behind and caught up on her travel reading.  As we write this, Korey is reminding Ines to remember how much she loves him.  No worries, we made it out of "Feud"sen with both our relationship and the wedding still in tact.  That said, there is very little for us to show you, other than we are a normal couple and have our moments.  And Ines loves Korey very much and he loves her very much right back.

Gives you an idea of the facade of the beautiful castle

View looking into the castle.  Korey realizes that maybe some photos of the castle up on the hill from a distance would give nice perspective, but he's not exactly the best photographer and didn't think of that

(Insert Ines' well taken photos here...oh wait, there are none :(....)

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