Thursday, October 29, 2015

Day 1 & 2 - Reykjavik

Velkomi∂ to Iceland!  Hello friends and family from the middle of the Atlantic ocean.  We arrived to the friendly city of Reykjavik and have been roaming around for the last two days, eating fried "plaice" fish and chips and drinking local Viking brews.  This morning we devoured a set of three traditional "Smorrebrod" open-faced sandwiches, washing it down with Krombacher pils.  We traveled to the tallest point in the city, the steeple of a church called Hallgrimskirkja, to bring you the amazing photos below.  We also hit a few art exhibitions to get some culture in and we think we're over the jet lag at this point.  It has been windy and a bit rainy so far, but that's not stopping us.  Well, not Korey at least.  But we can't wait to venture around the rest of this country this week to see some of the "other worldly" parts.  Two things we have learned this far, 1) No travel decisions before eating, and 2) This town has a nightlife!  Which means Ines has to have a nap at 3pm if we expect her to stay up past midnight and not turn into a pumpkin.

Thank you to Ashley, Max, and Travel and Leisure for sharing your itineraries, your recommendations have been awesome!

Thank you all for the support you have shared with us, the travel tips and itineraries you are sending, and the friends you are connecting us with.  Keep it coming, as you are helping us to plan this trip!

 The cute cobblestone streets of Reykjavik!

Ines loves the cappuccino here! (It also keeps her awake...)

The Sun Voyager sculpture, the Vikings are alive and well!

View looking north from the top of Hallgrimskirkja

Our buddy Leifur Eiricksson with Hallgrimskirja in the background

View looking west out into the Atlantic from Hallgrimskirkja.  Lake Tjornin in the heart of Reykjavik also visible.


  1. Alright, I did get a new Tigers hat that is pretty sweet. I'll show my face on the next round.

  2. Excellent start! Looks like a beautiful place!
