Saturday, October 17, 2015

Our itinerary!

Hello everyone and welcome to our blog!  Ines and I have made the crazy decision to put work on hold and travel the world for 5 months before we get married next June (of course that’s assuming we get through traveling together for 5 months!).  

We’ve created this blog to chronicle our journey and share our stories.  We also know that many of you have traveled this great planet and we’d love to have ideas/suggestions of things to do in the various countries we’ll be visiting!  Below is our tentative timeline along with destinations.  For most of the trip we are using a round the world ticket we’ve purchased to get us to an area or region, then we are flexible from there as to specific cities or countries.  So even if a place isn’t mentioned below, if there is somewhere nearby that you think is worth the trip we’re open to checking it out!  Feel free to post a comment using the comment box below, or if you’d prefer to email us separately, we can be reached at or

Also, in talking to some of you, we hear that you have friends or friends of friends in some of these areas.  If you think they’d be open to meeting us and/or sharing information with us please send along their name and contact information!  We’ll let you know on the blog if we connect along our travels.

Leave USA!

10/27/15 to 11/3/15 

11/3/15 to 11/13/15
Scandinavia (as of now planning on Norway, Sweden, and Denmark)

11/13/15 to 11/29/15
Central/Eastern Europe (as of now planning on Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria)

11/29/15 to 12/7/15
Turkey (as of now planning to do Istanbul and Cappadocia)

12/7/15 to 12/13/15

12/13/15 to 12/31/15
Tanzania (safari and climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro)

12/31/15 to 1/7/16

1/7/16 to 2/2/16
Southeast Asia (as of now planning Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Thailand)

2/2/16 to 2/13/16
Australia (as of now planning Sydney, Melbourne, Great Barrier Reef area)

2/13/16 to 2/26/16
New Zealand

2/26/15 to 3/7/16

3/7/16 to 3/25/16
Peru/Galapagos Islands

Estimated return end of March!  (just in time for Tigers Spring Training in Florida)

We're excited and ready to go!


  1. So excited and happy for you both!! Enjoy it all and stay safe! Love you so much! From, Mom

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Amazing trip! Have a great time. Can't wait to hear more about it.

  4. About time we find out about your live! What would we do without social media? Sounds like fun...and great schedule looks clear for a surprise visit to Maldives! Enjoy every minute! Love, Dad

  5. About time we find out about your live! What would we do without social media? Sounds like fun...and great schedule looks clear for a surprise visit to Maldives! Enjoy every minute! Love, Dad

  6. Hope you have Internet to post often, excited to see the world through you.

  7. Dude that's awesome! I'm happy for you and jealous- best thin to do before married and starting a family! Have a great safe trip!
    Justin Phelps

  8. Super exciting! Looking forward to following along on your blog. :)

  9. Can't wait to hear about it and live vicariously through you! Love you both! Safe travels you crazy duo!

  10. Can't wait to hear about it and live vicariously through you! Love you both! Safe travels you crazy duo!

    1. No clue why this posted twice? Sorry kdog- your family is apparently terrible with technology!

  11. So happy for you both! Can't wait to see the pics.

  12. I arrive the day you leave Reykjavik! Have fun.
    Unofficial shows for start on Monday though:
